40th Reunion (1995): (Standing) Dixie Eason McCarthy, Vondra Bush, Maren Browning Gilliland, Linda Thorpe Sprague, Irene Taylor; (Seated) Elaine Bjorgan, Dee Williams Ropers, Sue Stoll Egan, Ann Murison, Carol Alexander.


Ed. Note: Irene was one of the principal editors of the 40th Reunion Panther Tracks 1995. This first section was her own biographical submittal.

Irene Taylor
40th Reunion Biography

I have had such an enjoyable time reading through your "Biographies". BHS class of '55 has certainly had an interesting past 40 years. Here I go on my own past 40 years.

It started with a variety of colleges including: San Mateo JC, Stephens Girls College (now Coed), San Jose State, San Francisco State, Pepperdine, and finally at age 50 ending at Santa Clara University. These colleges afforded me many degrees (incl. 2 MA's) and credentials, all necessary (I thought) for my career as a teacher.

I worked for the airlines (Pan American) in my twenties and lived in Hawaii for several years. There I met my first husband, Bob Kolakowski and moved back to the bay area. We had 3 wonderful children, Jana, Jill, and Jay, settled in San Jose, and I started as a substitute teacher to augment our income. Little did I realize that I would spend the next 25 years in this particular occupation. 1 really wanted to be an engineer or ballerina .... Oh well. such is life.

I was divorced with 3 teenagers and got very serious about teaching. I taught 4th, 5th, 6th. 7th, and 8th (Math). . Not all at once, of course. Currently I am a Resource Specialist in 8th grade and very involved In bringing technology into the classrooms.

I remarried in there someplace to Tom McPherson and relocated in Auburn, Ca. for 3 years to hang out with the Bills (Knorp and Murphy). I was involved in owning a "Teen Nightclub" which turned into a "real" nightclub. I saw what it was like out in the big world, and went back to teaching. Also, got another divorce .... Oh dear. Both ex-husbands are still friends of mine. I think that's what I'm good at, being "Friends".

My interests have varied throughout the years, but some things have been pretty consistent in my life. Computers are a high interest item in my job and for pleasure. Gardening and growing veggies, etc. seems to be a constant. Reading, exercising, camping (backpacking) are always a must.

Traveling has become extremely important in the last few years. I have just returned from a very enlightening trip to South America. I traveled with Peace Corps friends and lived the life they live for several weeks. Although I wouldn't have missed the experience for anything, l was very happy to get home.

I came home to my wonderful family and our "new addition" who is the LOVE OF MY LIFE. If you're saying "Finally" You're right... --My first and only grandchild "JACK". I'm expecting more "LOVES" as time goes on. With only one child married I'm not holding my breath but just thoroughly enjoying watching the milestones in Jack's life. He's now 7 months old and quite advanced (of course). Can you tell I'm obsessed?

At this point in my life I'm just enjoying friends, family, and work (believe it or not).
I'll probably retire in a few years, and I'm looking forward to more travel, tilling the soil (in my Auburn house which I still have), reading, visiting family and friends all over the world and, of course, watching "Jack" grow up. What fun.

Addendum for 50th Reunion

Just reread my biography from the 40 year reunion book. So can continue from there.

Retired (2001) in San Jose from teaching Intermediate school math . Still working part time in my district's home teaching program. This is an interesting and different experience.

I live in Auburn, CA where I built a lil' (key word) house on my property. A daughter and her family live in a larger home on the property. I commute monthly from Auburn to San Jose to teach and this allows me to visit family, friends and, of course, "grandkids" that are still in San Jose.

My son is moving to Oregon so will now include that state in my travel . Try to keep working out but not quite as dedicated as in past days. Running is now walking. Try to keep up with water aerobics because I can move real well in the water. Plus, Auburn is hot hot hot and that is cool.

Love to travel. In the Fall, going to the Canary Islands with the Sierra Club to explore, tromp around, and enjoy nature; then later, to the Greek islands with good ole' Princess Lines to relax and enjoy being spoiled.

Am fortunate to be in good health and loving the now "6" grandkids (below) and the variety of personalities and ages. The 7th is on the way, due in the fall.

Wishing you all health and happiness in the future years.

Love, Irene

Irene and Gil (&Linda) Larish on Tour in France, Summer 2007